Vincy Mass exposé - Vincy Makers of Carnival & the CDC are uncreative, unimaginative and lacks inovation
There is no doubt, Trinidad and Tobago has proven and have set themselves apart, from the carnival nations of the Caribbean as the best in the production of Carnival. The Trinis has consistently produced the best, biggest and best attended carnival among the carnival Caribbean countries, that have been a magnet for carnival lovers and curious tourist, from all part of the world.
Once in the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Carnival (Vincy Mass), particularly in the 1970s St. Vincent and the Grenadines was running an extremely close second to our Trini neighbors; in the production of Carnival. We were equal to them in the quality of songs that came from our shores, especially the songs that were release by our overseas based artist, especially Becket, Winston Soso, Scorcher to name a few. Our Mass men in their primetive put effective method of making carnival corstumes; got the job done in a unique style.
And even though Trinidad and Tobago and St. Vincent and the Grenadines celebrated carnival at the same time; druing the lenthen season; thousand of Trini flocked to SVG to be apart of the St. Vincent carnival experience. There were Trinidadian costrume band particularly the simple sailor Mass band etc. on the street with the iron section of the steel band creating the sweet tinkling of crushing steel; that provided the music, for the revelers to bathe in; as the make their way to the music of the next street bar, where the steel section will take a break from their task and join in the revelery with their touring compadres. Each year a large group Trinidadians forgo, participating in their carnival for Vincy Mass. And each year; they affirmed their participation for the following year's festival; and each year the brought more people with them.
This phenomenon; was what prompted the powers that be, to change the date of the festival from February to June - July.
What was interesting with celebrating carnival in February, it forced our Mass men, pan men, calypsonians, arrangers and designers to be creative, and innovative. And creative and innovative we were. Our Mass was unique, our Calypsos were cutting edge, well composed and different, our pan men and arrangers had a creative innocence to their work that made Vincy Mass so unique, that Trinis loved the experience and had our carnival running a close second to Trinidad and Tobago carnival.
Instead of the change in the date of carnival aid St. Vincent and the Grenadines in developing a better product and tap deeper into the Trinidad and Tobago carnival lovers market and being a larger chunk of the carnival loving Trinis to our shores to celebrate carnival it chased away those who have come too enjoy the uniqueness of Vincy Mass. Because Vincy Mass stop being unique.
The change in Vincy Mass date open an opportunity for Vincy calypsonians, Mass men and pan men to visit Trinidad for carnival, not to complete, not to enjoy the festival but to scout and to steal ideas form the TNT carnival, impliment the same idea as it were their own. Fooling the Vincentian public, with their deception, creating and providing a false sense of pride, in their skills, creativity and innovation in the local talent.
This was troubling to the Trini revelers who were left with the sense of reliving the same experience they were a part of only four months earlier. While the producers of Vincy Mass gain props from the locals, for their stolen idea, they created a dissatisfaction in our big spending Trini neighbors. This pleasurization of another (Trini) idea and work, hurt our tourism, and destroyed the triving Trinidad and Tobago carnival tourist market. This marked the disintegration of the uniqueness of the St. Vincent and the Greandines carnival, to a photo copy of Trinidad and Tobago carnival. Each year the unimaginative, uncreative, uninovative, Vincentian trooled Trinidad and Tobago carnival to steal something the Trinis were doing.
You would think, it was only the makers of carnival were guilty of this; but no! Even the administrator of carnival the CDC were and are also guilty. The evidence of this can be uncovered by the recent implimentation of the Soca Monarch show Miss Carival and other shows; such as Wet Fet etc. This type of behavior and or practice is an act of grand larceny committed by the Vincentian Carinval planners and the makers of SVG Carnival against Trinidad and Tobago CDC and talent.
Asked yourself this question: why Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Development Committee; have never introduce a Ragga Soca show, as a part of their carnival line up or at and time in Trinidad and Tobago? A show that is an inovation of Vincy Mass. The Ragga Soca, will soon die in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Why because if it did not come from Trinidad and Tobago Carnival it ain't Carnival. The Vincy carnival makers and managers should be a shame of themselves.
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