Shena Collis - A performer waiting to be Created
In 2018, I was inadvertently, introduced to the voice of a female singer, I was taken aback by the quality of the artist’s voice. Her voice was unbelievable. It was not very powerful, where overpowering volume is concerned, but the female vocalist had such beautiful melody, tone and her diction was very good. I mentioned diction here in the introduction; for that is one of the areas that plague Vincentian singers; one of the main obstacles that prevent our artist, from getting to the next level.
However; After hearing this young lady sang; I immediately, wanted to know who she was, I could tell from the sweet melodious tones that came from her voice she has not yet begun to utilize, the full extent of her vocal capacity and range. And may never experience the full development of her vocal capacity; unless she gets the help of a vocal coach, who will be able, to give her the vocal training she needs, and give routein vocal exercises, which will help to strengthen and conditions her vocal cords, so she can achieve; maximum vocal range and realize all of her vocal potential.
I speak of no other but St. Vincent and the Grenadines Shena Collis. Although Shena specialized as a Calypso singer; from the quality of her voice and her vocal ability; she has the ability to easily transition and sing any genre of music she chooses; and she can kill the choosen genre; if she is willing to works hard.
Calypso artist in St. Vincent and the Grenadines especially in the Calypso business, hardly or never go insearch of; singing lessons or vocal instruction or training. They believe, as long as they can keep a note, they will be ok in the business. However; each artist, who want to excell in the art form they are involved; should not settle to be OK; however, they should always strive for excellence; always on the journey to perfect their craft. Excellence and perfection does not come by settling or becoming comfortable with their current status.
Many people think that excellence or perfection come from hard work and practice; we always hear practice makes perfect. However, this is not quite true. As my ex-colleague SVG Police Officer Lionel James once told me, “Palmer if you practice every day and you are practicing the thing wrong; you will become good at doing the thing wrong. Then he said don’t forget perfect practice makes perfect.
What are the price a performer should be willing to pay for excellence? I say vocal training, will be a small price for Shena Collis to pay for the ability to achieve and to utilize her full vocal ability, whether on the calypso stage, competing in the annual Calypso Monarch show, singing at a wedding or traveling overseas at the invite of someone who may need her services as a vocal artist.
Taking it to the Next level - Become a performer
Shene Collis has a voice that's worth listening to; however her stagecraft, leaves much to be desired. One of the things Shena and the artist in St. Vincent and the Grenadines need to pay attention to is their stagecraft; the art of propperly managing the amount of time spent on the stage, by properly maximizing the time they spend on stage to tell the story, convey the message or dispence some humor. Like a broadway actor. They must at all times, during their performance of a song, know where they should be on stage and what they will be doing.
Another thing, Shena and other artists need to learn is how to make the song their own. Singing is spitting words that are pleasing to the ear, but performing goes far beyond singing. Performing is dramatic; it is incorporating ones body, emotions; which will include: matching emotional vocal tones, body position, hand and head gestures, facial expression etc. to convey to the audience, not just the audio message in the song but to get them emotionally invested in the performance, getting the full message of the song and the opportunity to have participated in not just a performance; but to experience; something special.
When we consider, the Late Kobe Bryan of the Los Angeles Lakers, took up Tap Dancing classes, not because he wanted to become a tap dancer; However, Kobe got to understood, Tap Dancing strengthen, preserves and protects ancles and therefore, prevent ancle injuries, there are foot ballers who took up ballet on a full time basis just to improve ttheir ballance while playing football. these are people who are not settling to be good, or OK; these athletes wanted to be great, and therefore did what was requiered to achieve greatness. As a result, they became known for greatness in their field of choice.
There are many Vincentian artists who has the ability to transcend St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the mediocrity that is dominant in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These artist has what it takes to take their work in the art forms to the next level. Shena Collis is certainly one such person. But she have to seek the help she needs from the right people and put in the work; but she must always remember that perfect practice makes perfect.
I will be writing these articles early because, because we should always plan ahead. It is my hope that those people mention and others can take a good look at themselves and start on the road to excellence.
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